The Health Benefits of Mineral Supplements
When choosing a supplement that contains minerals, there are many choices on the market. Multivitamin and mineral supplements benefits are the most important consideration when selecting a supplement. Multi vitamins and mineral supplements are a broad category of products containing nutrients and vitamins that support healthy living and provide basic or advanced nutrition. The primary multivitamin and mineral supplement benefits are the vitamins A, C, E, B, D & K, as well as essential fatty acids and several other nutrients.
Most multivitamins and mineral supplements consist of one primary nutrient, like vitamin A, C, or E. However, other common ingredients in MVAs include herbs like echinacea, licorice, milk thistle, ginkgo biloba, black walnut leaf extract, chlorella, slippery elm bark extract, and fennel. Some of the herbal ingredients commonly found in supplements are believed to have antioxidant properties. But research has ...